Pre-chick setup
Getting baby chicks is exciting and sometimes spontaneous. I do urge everyone to setup a proper brooder space before the arrival of your new chicks. Setting up brooder spaces before hand ensures a properly functioning brooder space.

Essential Items
- Brooder Plate
- Chick Feeder
- Chick waterer
- Puppy pads
- Pelleted Bedding
- Poultry vitamin/probio

Pop Up Dog Play Pen/s
Makes for wonderful in home brooders and the mesh helps keep poultry dust inside pen and out of your lungs. Always have chicks in a separate bathroom or a space larger than 2000sf if brooding inside with people. Clean and prevent dust as its harmful to inhale.
Brooding tips
- Place brooder plates at an angle and check to make sure they are not too low or high. As chicks age the plate will need to be raised.
- Bantam or smaller chicks (quail) may need crumbles ground finer to be able to consume. A light amount of sand can be added to fine ground chick feed to treat for loose stools.
- Freed scrambled eggs once a day for the first week + to make for strong healthy chicks.
- Medicated chick feed is not necessary with proper sanitation practices.
- Only purchase chicks vaccinated for Mareks.
- Keep waterers and feeders clean and full at all times.
- Have a separate brooder and initial living area for new chicks as they build their immune system.
- Keep brooders away from drafty windows and cold night temps.
- Have a low light in brooder space for chicks that may wander off from brooder heater plate at night.