First breeder to introduce authentic Ayam Cemani genetics to California and now producing in New Jersey. Seen on Insider
Sage Acres Farm Ayam Cemani
The Ayam Cemani chicken originally descended from Java Indonesia, it was created by isolating and duplicating the fibromelanistic mutation of the melanin gene. The Ayam Cemanis is believed to be seen as early as the 20th century, a descendant of the red jungle fowl. Ayam Cemanis were originally brought into Europe by the dutch breeder, Jan Steverink in 1998. Ayam Cemanis are seen as the most valuable collector breed of chickens available. It’s extremely hard to source good quality birds as many breeders don’t fully understand what fibromelanistic testing is and also can’t identify single copy birds.
Our Ayam Cemani
We strive to breed beautiful, authentic and high fibro Ayam Cemani. We have a variety of fibro depths but never sell culls as anything expect fibro project prospects. Please see INSIDER video on youtube featuring our line of stunning Ayam Cemanis. We breed traditional and American SOP body type.
Hens/pullets: $1200 ea
Cockerels (7months +) $1200-3K ea
We do not offer chicks or eggs.
Understanding Fibro:
Ayam Cemanis can carry one or two copies of mutated melanin genes. This mutation itself isn’t a gene but rather a controlled mutation of the genes controlling color (Fm phenotype). When a bird is carrying a single copy it often displays with a lack of darkness in skin, white toes and nails, Leakage, Mulberry expression (redness in waddles and comb). Fibro will also fade easily in generations so its very important to reintroduce good specimens when furthering a breeding program.
Hormonal Flushing:
A caveat to Mulberry is hormonal flushing. A two copy rooster can display a hormonal flushing in the upper neck and lower waddles when experiencing their first higher rush of adult hormones typically around 6-8 months old. The coloration should fade back into a dark black after the hormones regulate. If they don’t go dark you may be looking at a single copy bird (cull). Hens do not display any type of hormonal flushing and should never be anything but black as they display the easiest.
Feather Types: Smooth, Bottlebrush. -

White toe pads or toes, grey under feathering, pink anywhere in mouth, Lack of darkness to skin, pale vents.
Ayam Cemanis do best on a 20% protein feed.
I use southland organics products for water additives.
Please message us if interested in our genetics. Very limited yearly availability. Culls available for fibro pens $100ea + $150 shipping fee.